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PHP MySQL Aggregate MAX

From w3cyberlearnings


PHP MySQL Aggregate Function MAX()

The Aggregate Function MAX() returns the largest value in the row.


SELECT MAX(salary) 
FROM employee_salary;

Example 1


define('HOST', 'localhost');
define('USER', 'root');
define('PASS', 'yeething');
define('DBNAME', 'woowood');

$connection = mysql_connect(HOST, USER, PASS)
		  or die("can not connect to the server!<br/>");

$rdb = mysql_select_db(DBNAME)
		  or die("The " . DBNAME . "database could not be selected");

$sel_query = "SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee_salary";

$result = mysql_query($sel_query, $connection) or die(mysql_error($connection));

echo mysql_result($result, 0);




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