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Php oop product management product list

From w3cyberlearnings



List all products from the product table, and in this page we use pagination to display the products by paging.


		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
			.odd {
				background-color: #e88989;

			.even {

		<h3>Product List</h3>

		require_once 'product.php';
		require_once 'pagination.php';

		$pagination = "";

	        $page = (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page']) 
                          ? $_REQUEST['page'] :0);
		$perpage = $_REQUEST['perpage'] = 5;
		$baseurl = 'list.php?';

		$product1 = new product();

		$count_product = $product1->count_product();
		$pagination = mypaging_bar($count_product, $page, $perpage, 
                       $baseurl, $pagevar = 'page', $nocurr = false, true);

		if ($count_product > $perpage) {
			$all_products = $product1->get_products_page($page * $perpage, $perpage);
		} else {
			$all_products = $product1->get_products();

		echo $pagination;
		echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4">';

		if ($page == 0) {
			$count = 1;
		} else {
			$count = 1 * $perpage * $page;

		foreach ($all_products as $p) {
			$edit = "<a href=\"edit.php?id={$p['id']}\">[Edit]</a>";
			$detail = "<a href=\"detail.php?id={$p['id']}\">[Detail]</a>";
			$delete = "<a href=\"delete.php?id={$p['id']}\">[Delete]</a>";

			if ($count % 2 == 0) {
				echo '<tr class="even">';
			} else {
				echo '<tr class="odd">';

			echo '<td>' . $count . '</td>';
			echo '<td>' . $p['pname'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td>' . $p['price'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td>' . $p['seller'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td>' . $edit . $detail . $delete . '</td>';
			echo '</tr>';

		echo '</table>';

		echo $pagination;
		<a href="add.php">Add</a>

css for table

This CSS uses for table's background. The odd row will use the css .odd and the even row will use the css .even

	.odd {
		background-color: #e88989;

	.even {

Step 1

Include the product.php and pagination.php files. If you want to know more about the pagination class please check

// included two php files
require_once 'product.php';
require_once 'pagination.php';

$pagination = ""; // for pagiantion

// page variable is used for display pagination 
$page = (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 0);
// perpage is for display record in each page, and we set the default value to 5
$perpage = $_REQUEST['perpage'] = 5;

// baseurl is required by the mypaging_bar function to generate the pagination 
$baseurl = 'list.php?';

// create the product object
$product1 = new product();

// get all products from the table
$count_product = $product1->count_product();
// generate the pagiantion link, and we set this function to return value not to display
$pagination = mypaging_bar($count_product, $page, $perpage,
 $baseurl, $pagevar = 'page', $nocurr = false, true);

Step 2

// when the total record is more than the perpage
// we need to generate paging 
if ($count_product > $perpage) {
	$all_products = $product1->get_products_page($page * $perpage, $perpage);
} else {
  // when total records less than perpage we just get all the records.
        $all_products = $product1->get_products();

// display pagination link
echo $pagination;

// display table 
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4">';

// check and generate record index
if ($page == 0) {
	$count = 1;
} else {
	$count = 1 * $perpage * $page;

Step 3

// loop through the product record
foreach ($all_products as $p) {
       // create the URL link for edit record
	$edit = "<a href=\"edit.php?id={$p['id']}\">[Edit]</a>";

       // create the URL link for display product detail
	$detail = "<a href=\"detail.php?id={$p['id']}\">[Detail]</a>";

       // create the URL link for delete product 
	$delete = "<a href=\"delete.php?id={$p['id']}\">[Delete]</a>";

       // assign the css to the table row
	if ($count % 2 == 0) {
		echo '<tr class="even">';
	} else {
		echo '<tr class="odd">';
	// create table rows
	echo '<td>' . $count . '</td>';
	echo '<td>' . $p['pname'] . '</td>';
	echo '<td>' . $p['price'] . '</td>';
	echo '<td>' . $p['seller'] . '</td>';
	echo '<td>' . $edit . $detail . $delete . '</td>';
	echo '</tr>';
	$count++; // increasement the count

Step 4

echo '</table>';
// generate pagination for the bottom of the page
echo $pagination;
<!-- display add link to add product-->
<a href="add.php">Add</a>

Print Screen

Php oop product management product list.png

Related Links

  1. Chapter 1: Singleton class
  2. Chapter 2: Table
  3. Chapter 3: Product Class
  4. Chapter 4: Add Product
  5. Chapter 5: Activity Menu
  6. Chapter 6: List All Products
  7. Chapter 7: Product Detail
  8. Chapter 8: Update or Edit Product
  9. Chapter 9: Delete Product