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Php array filter

From w3cyberlearnings


PHP function array_filter

This function uses the user-defined function to filter array value, each array value passes to the user-defined function and return only true.

Syntax array_filter

  • array: uses the array value with the call back function.
  • callback: user define function uses to check the array.
array_filter(array, callback);

Example 1


function by20($val) {
	if ($val % 20 == 0) {
		return true;

$score = array(10, 34, 32, 30, 32, 30, 41, 40, 20, 30, 22);

$score20 = array_filter($score, "by20");

foreach ($score20 as $tw => $score) {
	echo "{$score} is divided by 20.<br/>";


40 is divided by 20.
20 is divided by 20.

Example 2


function biggerthan20($val) {
	if ($val > 20) {
		return true;

$score = array(10, 34, 32, 30, 32, 30, 41, 40, 20, 30, 22);

$score_bigger_20 = array_filter($score, "biggerthan20");
foreach ($score_bigger_20 as $k => $v) {
	echo "{$v} is larger than 20.<br/>";


34 is larger than 20.
32 is larger than 20.
30 is larger than 20.
32 is larger than 20.
30 is larger than 20.
41 is larger than 20.
40 is larger than 20.
30 is larger than 20.
22 is larger than 20.

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